
Team Challenges - Marshmallow Towers
As we reflected on our year so far and planned for our open house one of the learning opportunities that stood out for students was building marshmallow towers. The students loved the hands on learning, and I loved the rich conversation that followed about what we can do to make teams successful. While our constructions were short lived, we went apply our skills to building cardboard arcade games, and will continue to build on our teamwork and leadership skills throughout the year.

Top Ten Things You Need to Know About...

Image from: 
  1. Find your most recent copy of your top ten list in the "Classwork" folder. Look for "schase", and then "top ten"
  2. Please use the example to make sure you have everything you need on your list. Here are the criteria:
    • set up your list from #10 - #1 most important
    • capitalize every word in title, and use capitals where appropriate in your work
    • make sure title reads “Top Ten Things You Need to Know About _____”
    • minimum of one image
  3. Check the capitalization rules we looked at yesterday to make sure you've followed all of them
  4. Check the rubric to make sure your work meets your standards. 
  5. Save it to your desktop
  6. Open "My Computer", then "Dropbox", then "schase" then "top ten" and drag the file from your desktop to the Dropbox folder

Classroom Links and Resources

Throughout the year we will be collecting and curating resources to support and extend your learning beyond the classroom walls. We've used pinterest to share these resources. I also suggest checking out the HHLD collection of links here too.

Students - please start by checking out some Math resources here. 

If you come across something else you think will help your peers please share the link in the comments section at the bottom of this post. Thanks!


What a start to the year! As we look to October I think we can almost say that things are settling into place...finally! Students thanks for your patience and class with the late start and the changes we've experienced already.

I have enjoyed my warm Hart Highlands welcome, and look forward to getting to know this school and community better. Its been a joy to get to know you students in the last couple weeks and I think we are in for a very exciting year.

Parents, I wanted to share these slides with you as they set up classroom expectations and give you a bit of insight into what I value for us as individual learners and as a learning community. They were the first thing up on the empty walls of our new classroom, and will be something we will come back to often.

Thanks for checking it out, and I welcome your questions, comments, and feedback.

Steve Chase